Minimized Governance
eBTC aims to be the most trustless and censorship-resistant synthetic Bitcoin in DeFi by employing a fully immutable and decentralized design. However, certain aspects of the system still require a degree of trust, such as the collateral asset and the Oracles that fulfill the system's pricing needs.
To address this issue, a governance mechanism has been introduced to eBTC to ensure its resiliency, future-proofing and security. This Minimized Governance system follows strict principles of censorship resistance and restricts access to modifying only those system parameters that do not violate users' trust assumptions. Governance can modify parameters that ensure higher competitiveness, peg stability, and economic and technical security of the system.
Learn more about the eBTC Minimized Governance Framework on the following forum post. The following sections will summarize some of the details explained in the post with an emphasis on its technical implications.
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